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    Wedding Ring Guide

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    Wedding Ring

    Choosing the perfect wedding ring is essential, symbolising the eternal bond between partners. From the type of metal to the design style and finishing touches, there are various elements to consider when exploring wedding ring options. Allow this guide to sail through the different aspects of wedding rings to find the perfect one.


    The choice of metal for your wedding ring determines its durability, appearance, and maintenance requirements. Typical metals used for wedding rings include platinum, gold (yellow, white, and rose), and silver. Each metal has unique characteristics, so consider factors such as durability, hypoallergenic properties, and colour when selecting the metal for your ring.

    Width, Thickness, Profile & Finger Size

    A wedding ring’s width, thickness, and profile contribute to its overall look and comfort. Consider your personal preference and finger size when choosing these elements. Width options typically range from narrow to comprehensive, while thickness and profile options can be thin, medium, or thick, with flat, domed, or bevelled profiles.

    Diamonds and Gemstones

    Wedding rings can incorporate diamonds or gemstones to add sparkle and personalisation. Here are some considerations:

    Types of Gemstones

    Apart from diamonds, popular gemstone choices for wedding rings include sapphires, rubies, and emeralds. These gemstones offer vibrant colours and unique meanings, allowing you to infuse your call with personal significance.

    Typical Shapes Used in Wedding Rings

    Common diamond shapes for wedding rings include round, princess, cushion, and baguette. Each profile has its distinctive appearance and brilliance. Choose a shape that complements your style and preferences.

    Typical Sizes Used in Wedding Rings

    The size of the diamonds or gemstones used in wedding rings can vary depending on personal preference and budget. Smaller accent stones or a single prominent stone can suit your desired look and budget.

    Setting Styles

    The setting style refers to how the diamonds or gemstones are secured in the ring. Common setting styles for wedding rings include prong setting, channel setting, bezel setting, and pavé setting. Each setting style offers different levels of security and aesthetic appeal, so choose the one that aligns with your style and preferences.

    Design Styles

    Wedding rings come in various design styles to suit different tastes and preferences. Some popular design styles include classic, vintage-inspired, modern, and minimalist. Consider your style and the overall aesthetic you desire for your wedding ring.

    Finishing Touches

    Metal Finishes

    Metal finishes contribute to the overall appearance of a wedding ring. Standard finishes include high polish, brushed, satin, or hammered. Each finish offers a distinct look and texture, allowing you to customise your ring.


    Millgrain is a decorative technique that involves creating delicate beaded edges on the metal surface of a wedding ring. This detail adds a touch of vintage charm and elegance to the design.

    Engraving Detail

    Engraving lets you personalise your wedding ring with meaningful messages, dates, or symbols. Choose a font and style that resonates with you and your partner.

    Fingerprint Engraving

    Fingerprint engraving is a unique way to add a personal touch to your wedding ring. The fingerprint of your partner or both partners would look great if it is engraved on either side of the ring, as it symbolises the individuality and bond between you.

    Message Inscription

    A message inscription inside the wedding ring can hold special significance and remind you of your love and commitment. Consider engraving a meaningful quote, initials, or a significant date that fits sentimental value to you and your partner.

    Grooves and Edge Details

    Grooves and edge details can enhance the visual appeal of a wedding ring. These decorative elements can add texture and uniqueness. Explore bevelled edges, milgrain detailing, or engraved patterns to customise your ring.

    Common Considerations

    Occupational Considerations

    Consider your occupation and lifestyle when selecting a wedding ring. People with physically taxing jobs prefer a lower profile or a more durable metal circle. Choosing a ring that can withstand your daily activities without compromising comfort or safety is essential.

    Quality Considerations

    When purchasing a wedding ring, prioritise quality to ensure its longevity and durability. Look for reputable jewellers who use high-quality materials and craftsmanship. Consider factors such as metal purity, stone quality, and overall design integrity to ensure your ring stands the test of time.

    Matching Rings

    Many couples choose matching wedding rings to symbolise unity and shared commitment. Matching rings can have similar design elements, such as metal type, width, and engraving. It’s essential to find a design that suits both partners’ preferences and reflects the harmony of your relationship.

    Wedding Ring Experience

    Choosing and purchasing wedding rings is a memorable and unique experience. Take the time to visit different jewellers, explore various styles, and try on other rings to find the perfect fit. Consider seeking advice from knowledgeable professionals who can provide you with more valuable insights.

    Remember, your wedding ring symbolises love, commitment, and your lifelong journey together. Go for something that holds deep meaning and significance to you and your partner.


    1. Who should buy the wedding rings?

    It is up to the couple to decide who buys the wedding rings. Some couples choose to buy rings for each other or split the cost. It depends on personal preferences and the price of the rings. Discuss with your partner to determine the best approach for purchasing the wedding rings.

    2. Should I get insurance for the wedding rings?

    Yes, it is recommended to get insurance for your wedding rings, just like with any precious jewellery. Many providers offer wedding ring insurance, and you can obtain a free quote. If you haven’t done so already, consider getting your engagement ring insured as well.

    3. How do I choose the right wedding ring?

    • Start your search early to allow enough time for exploration and customization.
    • Shop with your engagement ring to ensure a complementary style and fit.
    • Consider your lifestyle and choose a ring that can withstand your daily activities.
    • Get the correct ring size to ensure a comfortable fit.
    • Don’t worry too much about matching; focus on finding a ring that suits your personal style and preferences.

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