Making Light Dance
The true beauty of a diamond lies in its ability to reflect light, so the Cut can have a significant influence on its value. Of all the Four C’s (Carat, Cut, Color and Clarity) the Cut is the only one governed by a person’s skills as opposed to nature’s power. Cut is therefore a highly important factor in determining a diamond’s beauty and ultimate value.
Diamond cutting is a complex process that demands great skill.
If a diamond is Cut too deep, light will escape from the side of the base and brilliance is lost. If it is Cut too shallow, light will escape through the bottom of the stone resulting in a glassy appearance. When a diamond is Cut to perfect proportions, light is reflected through the top, giving it fire and sparkle.
Only perfectly Cut diamonds are selected and showcased at The Diamond Guys. We carefully hand-select the very best diamonds ensuring that each diamond is perfectly Cut, maximizing its brilliance and beauty.