The Joy of Proposal in Uncertain Times | TheDiamondGuys – The Diamond Guys
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The Joy of Proposal in Uncertain Times

The Joy of Proposal in Uncertain Times

May 21, 2020

When people imagine their marriage proposals, they think of going to great heights to impress their loved one. Proposing at famous locations, during a stroll down the beach at sunset or even staging a scavenger hunt are all romantic and impressive. But what do you do if you are stuck amid a global pandemic, where going out is not an option? During uncertain times such as right now, some couples may be flustered regarding proposing as life around us seems like it has screeched to a halt. COVID-19 may have spoiled your plans, but one thing is for sure, don’t let this crisis stop you from popping the question. Here are a few tips that you can use to make sure that your proposal is as unforgettable and special as any.

Get Creative

Although going to romantic locations for a proposal is not possible given the current circumstances, quarantine gives couples the opportunity to get creative and make that special moment happen. A creative and out of the box proposal will bring joy and excitement to your future partner like no other and will be just the lift in mood that he/she will need during a period of lockdown. You could look to have a romantic picnic in your backyard, or if you live in an apartment building maybe try to get access to the rooftop and propose to your partner at the top of a high rise. This is also another opportunity to show off to your better half the amount of effort you would put in for them. Such a proposal can prove to be extremely romantic, and instead of dwelling over the fact that you weren’t able to take your significant other to the City of Love, why not bring the City of Love to them.  

Take Advantage of Being Alone Together

With the strict rules being put into place regarding social distancing, it’s best not to get relatives and friends involved, especially those who are in the risk group (elderly people, people with heart disease, diabetes). Proposing to your loved one is a monumental occasion in one’s life, and it is understandable if you want close family and friends to be a part of this occasion. But during a global pandemic, it is best to keep your distance. Instead you could arrange an online skype video call or Facetime, that way friends and relatives still get to see your reactions and celebrate with you from afar. Use this time of quarantine to express your love and true feelings to your better half.

Don’t Wait too Long

We believe that once it is all said and done, there will be numerous couples who will come out of quarantine with rings on their fingers. Therefore, we recommend that you don’t wait too long. In uncertain times, your proposal could mean the world to your partner, and make your relationship stronger than ever. Isolation can bring nervousness, anxiety, and even depression to some people, by proposing to your partner you would be bringing a type of happiness into their lives that they may never have experienced before. It would also go to show that even during the world’s unnerving status, your love for him/her will always prevail.

We hope this uncertain and stressful time doesn’t put your plans to propose on hold. Who knows what could happen tomorrow, so use this time to love and cherish your partner and don’t be afraid to put a ring on their finger.

Lastly and most importantly, keep yourselves clean and away from germs. Spread love, not the virus.

Are you planning on proposing? Send through your sketches and ideas to The Diamond Guys. We would be more than happy to work with you over online channels, to help you find the perfect ring.