3 Ways to Wear Your Engagement Rings – The Diamond Guys
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3 Ways to Wear Your Engagement Rings

3 Ways to Wear Your Engagement Rings

Dec 22, 2018

There is nothing more fulfilling than finally being able to wear your engagement ring. However, a lot of people do get concerned on how to wear them. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wearing the ring the way you want to but if you want a little advice, here are a few ideas to wear your ring.

On The Right Hand

If you’re a leftie, perhaps putting your ring on your left hand might probably obstruct you from daily tasks. But, then again, there’s no harm in wearing your engagement ring on your right hand!

Some countries traditionally wear them on the right. Some of these include Eastern European nations like Russia and Greece. The Latin American countries like Colombia wear it this way too.

On Top of Your Wedding Band

As some of you have a few rings to wear daily, maybe stacking them up one on top of the other will enable them to stand out. If you have two or more wedding rings at hand, this is the proper way to wear them.

Put your wedding band on the fourth finger of your left hand. Then, you place your wedding ring on top of it with the engagement ring. See how this little hack can make a huge difference. Now isn’t that a stunner?

On a Necklace Around Your Neck

Do you have sweaty palms or find it difficult to carry work with rings on your fingers? Don’t worry because there’s still an option. Buy a plain necklace and simply slide the ring in like a pendant!
This way you can work without worrying about it getting in the way or losing its lustre.

Shopping for diamond engagement rings in Melbourne is easy with The Diamond Guys! Our well-trained staff will guide you through the whole process till you find the best ring for you. Give us a ring or shoot us a message online and we’ll be happy to assist you!